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Small Guide for Firearms

This book is intended for anyone who owns, uses, or is interested in firearms. Whether you are a hunter, a sport or recreational shooter, a collector, or a professional user. Whether this relation is desired or constrained, this book brings together the information that will allow a serene and complete approach to firearms, often unnecessarily mystified.

Complete does not mean exhaustive: who can claim completeness in this area?

The purpose here is not to be exhaustive in the subject, but to take up the basics while being sufficiently comprehensive so that none of the essential aspects of the subject escapes the reader without claiming to turn him into an expert.

It is recommended that the reader show a great capacity for self-questioning. The themes treated here are often subject to fantasy brought down by the media, film culture, video games and in the world of firearms itself.

Constituting a basis for learning, this book will allow the novice or experienced reader not only to establish knowledge, but above all we hope to forge a reflection of his own. And we hope, over time, to acquire the level of expertise required in its relationship to weapons.

This book is organized around two parts: a theoretical part (Chapter 1 to 6), essential for a utilitarian understanding of the subject and a practical part (Chapter 7 to 13), which will allow the safe, effective and sustainable operation of the weapon.

The author wishes you a pleasant reading.

1 - The state of mind: serenity and humility
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 1
A firearm is not a trivial object: it is a tool that can take a life in an easy way. The fact that this tool is not driven by a will of its own does not clear this capacity. It must therefore always be treated with this in mind. The owner or user of the […]
2 - Safety
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 2
Safety is the foundation of one of the most important aspects of our specialty. It is important for the user but also and especially for the people around him. Whether at home, at the shooting range or in a professional aera that requires the use of a weapon, this question of safety is essential for […]
3 - The relationship to legislation
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 3
It is not a question here of teaching a course on any national legislation. If this exercise is interesting and deserves amply specialized publications for each country, it is necessary to become aware of the ephemeral nature of such a document. Indeed, legislation can be something highly moving and statements and texts can be made […]
4 - Caliber and ammunition
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 4
When firing our modern weapons, the firing pin initiates the explosive compound contained in the primer capsule by precipitating it on the anvil. It ignites the powder through the flash-hole(s) of the case. The powder thus ignited generates a significant gaseous release, which in the limited space of the case generates a sharp increase in […]
5 - Barrel, Frame(s) and Breech Mechanism
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 5
The firearms of interest here have in common the use of a barrel, a frame and a breech mechanism. The breech mechanism is the device that closes the barrel in the opposite direction to the shot. We are not talking here about “locking” but about “closing”. The notion of “locking” will be explained later in […]
6 - How weapons work?
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 6
The purpose of this chapter is not to carry out an exhaustive course about gunsmith mechanics, but to present and explain the main mechanical principles frequently encountered on common weapons. This presentation will ensure a better understanding of the material and the attention to be paid to it. Here we will detail more specifically the […]
7 - How to choose weapons
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 7
At the end of this theoretical part, you may ask yourself the following question: which weapon(s) do I choose? If you already own a weapon for one or more reasons, the question may arise differently: do I have the right equipment? The answer to these two questions is resolved by the same path and it […]
8 - The shooting action
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 8
The shooting action Here we will not give a shooting lesson, that is not the point. This would not make sense in the context of this book and this subject alone would require an entire book… or rather one for each area of shooting! Instead, we will discuss the essential prerequisites on how to properly […]
9 - Sights
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 9
The sight is defined as all mechanical, optical or optronic devices that allow an accurate aiming of the weapon. It is easy to understand their importance and we will present here the different aspects of this subject. Throughout this chapter we will use some notions that we deem necessary to explain beforehand:
10 - Disassembly and assembling
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 10
The purpose of this chapter is to present the tools as well as the working method that are necessary during disassembly. If it is obvious that we cannot claim to teach the stripping of each existing weapon (let us agree that is an impossible task), a good working method and some basic knowledge will be […]
11 - Cleaning
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 11
The cleaning action should not be considered as a chore, but as a privileged moment when one learns to observe one’s weapon. One tracks down the grime, but also takes the opportunity to check that everything is in order, a subject that will be discussed in the next chapter “Inspection”. Finally, at the end of […]
12 - Inspection
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 12
Inspection is one of the fundamental steps in the maintenance of a weapon. This aspect, which is largely ignored by a large part of users, is nevertheless of the utmost importance. While some inspection operations can only be carried out by trained personnel, a large part of it can be carried out by the user. […]
13 - Lubrication
Book : Small Guide for Firearms, Chapter : 13
The correct lubrication of a firearm is essential for its proper functioning and keeping it in operational condition. It is important to understand here that if lubrication brings benefits at the time of firing, it is above all a guarantee of keeping the weapon in optimal condition between the last maintenance operation and the time […]
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